My name is Ali Mostofi trading under the name of Citystats.
I began as a stockbroker in the early 80s at Merrill Lynch. In those days, markets reacted to news instantly, just like now. And just like nowadays, I realised that there are times when good news is not reacted to, just as much as bad news is not reacted to.
In those days, you had to be able to interpret the news to your clients. You had to explain why stocks moved up or down. You were the reporter, interpreter, and ultimately the go between, of what was going on in real time.
I had to be, the live commentator to the client, who was either happy or extremely sad. We did not have internet. We just had newspapers, and it was too late by the time they were printed. So you were the live wire.
Not much has changed in 40 years, apart from having even more information immediately available on the internet. But you still have to look back in time, to understand what has happened.
What you had to do then, and have to do now, is to express the mood of the market, and at the same time, make it very valuable and timely. But you have to feel it first, and then you hoped that your client will also feel the mood of the market through you.
It was also the other way around. You would have call the client up, to find out what was on their mind, and what their mood was. If the client’s mood had changed, you had to feel it, and you had to find it in the market.
So we have three moods to deal with.
You had the mood of the market.
You had the mood of your client.
And then of course, you have your own mood to deal with.
At this point you’re probably thinking, what happened to logic, systematic reasoning, and methodology? Well, I had tried all of that, and found that after a while, it was a bit dry and repetitive. I found myself saying the same things over and over again. I had a logical model, that explained why markets went up, and a logical model explaining why markets went down. These models have existed all the time, and served admirably as postmortems all the time. And after a while it all sounded very stale and boring.
So you had to find something, which was always new, and moved with the times. It had to give you the reason to make that call. And that’s where the mood becomes important. You needed to find how the mood had changed. What was it that defined the moment?
The moment, is actually a combination of what was and what will be. It’s right between the past and the future. It is the now. Finding out what the now is, or what the mood is, is what gives the freshness, the urgency, that you need to understand about, in yourself, in your client and in the market. And it then was never stale or boring
But then it went further. I realised that this mood change, or this new moment, had nothing to do with what was going on in the market or the client. It was deeper and more powerful. It was a force that created the mood in the market, created the mood in the clients, and finally myself. The market was then just a personification of something, that was already taking place on a much deeper level.
So a new perspective had to be had, to understand this force. This is where the astrological perspective became useful. In astrology, we use angles to measure the different types of forces that exist between the planets, the Sun and the Moon. Obviously you need to decide what angles to measure, and then compare them to the major stock market indices.
The perspective of astrology, gives you an overall understanding, of what was going on in the universe. The angles between planets and the Moon are mathematical facts. The fact that they correlate to the movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, is neither here or there.
It does not matter, whether there was some surprising news, or an important person’s comment, an economic indicator, some calamity, or some other unusual surprise. If certain angles occur when the markets move in a certain way, that is all that mattered.
The angles made by the planets at different times, create different moods. So the reaction of the people in the market, depends more on the angles being made, and those that were going to made.
My task was clear. Arrange the angles in the solar system on a table, then look at the stock market index, and see whether there was a direct correlation.
That is what I have been doing everyday, for the past 40 years. I began with myself. I could see well before anything happened, the angles that I was about to witness. I noticed things in myself, as the new angles were being developed. I noticed the stock market reacted in the same way. The correlation was clear.
It is as if you’re driving a car, and you have to go around a corner. But before you go round the corner, you have a map, or a road sign in your eyes, to show you that the road is approaching, and that you had to turn.
The task was that you had to learn what the various angles meant. This process of analysing the angles and the swings in the market, has taken a long time. As you can imagine, not all angles come around all the time. I found that it was best to record them, and share them to the world via social media, as my own horoscope dictated.
I thought I had stumbled across a gold mine. I thought I had done the impossible. I had found out a way to go beyond space and time. The inspiration, was, and still is, immense. But it is only possible if you share it to all.
But how do you share it? In the early 80’s, we just had a DOS computer and a printer. Then came the fax machine and premium rate calls. I remember trying to explain the results to members of my family, who were extremely polite. Dad, bless him would say, “We sent you to Princeton, and you turned out to be an Astrologer. What a waste of time.”
So I did the research on the side. I had my normal job and then my research. As the internet came and made sharing easier, I abandoned fax, and email, and posted on AOL, then Yahoo, and now Blogger. The good thing about that was that it was more impersonal. You had free space to publish. It was lovely. Astrologers use a lot of graphics, and the stock market had to be presented with charts. People can feel the mood from the image intuitively, and it was much simpler. Today I use Twitter, Facebook and Blogger. And the visuals have become simpler, clearer and more accurate.
When people talk about astrology, they usually think in terms of basic astrological signs. They very rarely look at more than 10 different angles and 10 different planets.
When I began looking at astrology, I realised there were periods, when there were no exact angles between planets. Most astrologers get around this by looking at angles before they are made. They usually allow between 7 degrees to 2 degrees applying aspects as it is called, depending on which pair of planets are used.
For years I was experimenting with different set of applying and separating angles, before and after an exact aspect was made. It really confused matters, so I abandoned this concept, and went for exact aspect only.
When you have exact aspects, you end up with a lot of gaps in one hour. Somehow I had to find more aspects, to explain why the stock market moved in the way it had moved. I had to have more angles to look at.
I then thought of having more than just the basic planets and the moon. I incorporated Asteroids and the Uranian planets. I also included declination and inclinations. The result was that it gave me a much fuller set of aspects for every hour of the day.
Now I had too many aspects. I needed to filter it out or consolidated it. That is exactly what my report does. In very simple terms, I look at period where you might have similar sort of angles be made within a short period of time. You will see green lines and red lines. Recently I changed it to U and u, or D and d. If there was a focus or an intensity of aspects within a short period of time, you would see the green line or the red line gets thicker. But then I stopped doing that, because you can just count the number of D,d,U,u in the period. That was intuitive enough.
I also split the day between slow planets and fast planets. Fast planets are those that are moving between the Earth and the slow planets are the ones that are between Earth and the Uranians.
Within a particular day, you can see all the the focus of angles that are being made by all the planets. At any particular moment, you can see the level of intensity of angles that are being made. If there are of the red or D’s or d’s kind, you will see the market move down. If they the green type or U’s or u’s, then the market will go up.
The principal had to be simple easy to produce and very clear, so that the correlation to the stock market can be also clear. That way any errors will be spotted very quickly and improvements made.
I pretty much ran this experiment for at least 40 years. Every day is correlated. Every hour of every day is correlated In fact every 15 minutes, the angles are producing direct correlation to the major indices.
I’ve also incorporated correlations to geomagnetic activity. The number of sun spots has an indirect relationship to the direction of the stock market. The intensity of geomagnetic waves has a direct relationship. Geomagnetic waves are generated when you have sun spots. As the geomagnetic waves increase, so the stock market goes up and goes down when they decrease. In fact even when they’re flat the market is flat. I cannot explain why this happens. All I can do is show and observe the correlation.
There are times when the planetary angles are very low and all we are left with are the geomagnetic activities and they are enough to move the market. Conversely you have moments when both the geomagnetic activity is high and the astrological aspects are focused intensely and the market moves very strongly.